Raj Profile

Hello, I’m Dr. Raj Sethuraman

Professor and Harold Simmons Chair in Marketing
SMU-Cox School of Business
Dallas, Texas, USA

If you wish to contact me, please send an email to


I do research to gain insights about national brand-store brand competition (my thesis topic), private label marketing, price-advertising strategies, and brand equity. I use empirical, economic, econometric, and meta-analytic models to address these topics. Thus I can be labeled as an empirically-oriented, managerially-motivated researcher.

I have published 42 research articles as of April 2024 (Google citations = 6491; h-index = 32). These articles are listed below in descending order of year of publication – from newest to oldest. You can access the articles for personal use by clicking on the title. I am working on eleven research projects, also listed below.

# Year Journal/Article
42 2022 Sethuraman, Raj, Juan Carlos Gázquez-Abad, Francisco J. Martínez-López, "The Effect of Retail Assortment Size on Perceptions, Choice, and Sales: Review and Research Directions," Journal of Retailing,98(1),24-25.
41 2021 Grewal, Dhruv, Dinesh K. Gauri, Anne L. Roggeveen, and Raj Sethuraman, “Strategizing Retailing in the New Technology Era,” Journal of Retailing, 97 (1), 6-12
40 2021 Gázquez-Abad, Juan Carlos, Francisco J. Martínez-López, and Raj Sethuraman, “What Factors Moderate the Effect of Assortment Reduction on Store Switching? Insights and Implications for Grocery Brands,” Journal of Business Research, 133, 98-115
39 2021 Gielens, Katrijn, Raj Sethuraman et al., “The Future of Private Labels: Towards a Smart Private Label Strategy,” Journal of Retailing, 97 (1), 99-115
38 2020 Roggeveen, Anne and Raj Sethuraman, “Customer-Interfacing Retail Technologies in 2020 & Beyond: An Integrative Framework and Research Directions,” Journal of Retailing, 96 (3),299-309.
37 2020 Roggeveen, Anne and Raj Sethuraman, “How the COVID-19 Pandemic May Change the World of Retailing,” Journal of Retailing, 96 (2), 169-171
36 2018 Roggeveen, Anne and Raj Sethuraman, “Understanding the JR Heritage, Publishing in JR, and the Evolving Retail Field,” Journal of Retailing, 94 (1), 1-4.
35 2018 Sethuraman, Raj, “Consumer Preference Distributions and Corresponding Store Brand Strategies: A Compilation,” Chapter 8 in Handbook of Research on Retailing. K. Gielens and E. Gijsbrechts, eds. Edward-Elgar Publishing, August
34 2016 Roy, Subhadip, Raj Sethuraman, and Rashmita Saran, “The Effect of Demographic and Personality Characteristics on Fashion Shopping Proneness: A Study of the Indian Market," International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 44 (4), 426-447
33 2015 Voleti, Sudhir and Raj Sethuraman, “Are National Brands more Promotion Elastic than Store Brands?” Advances in National Brand and Private Label Marketing, Second International Conference Proceedings, Springer, Germany, June (pp. 63-70)
32 2015 Sethuraman, Raj, “Empirical Generalizations on Advertising and Private Labels,” contributions in Empirical Generalizations about Marketing Impact (2nd ed.), Marketing Science Institute, Boston, MA
31 2014 Sethuraman, Raj and Katrijn Gielens, “Determinants of Store Brand Share,” Journal of Retailing, 90 (June), 141-153
30 2013 Sethuraman, Raj and Jagmohan Raju, "The Competition between National Brands and Store Brands: Models, Insights, Implications, and Future Research Directions," Foundations and Trends® in Marketing 7, no. 1: 1‐108
29 2012 Sethuraman, Raj and Jagmohan Raju, “Private Label Strategies – Myths and Realities,” Handbook of Marketing Strategy, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Glasgow, U.K. (pp. 318-335)
28 2011 Sethuraman, Raj, Gerard Tellis, and Richard Briesch, “How Well Does Advertising Work? Generalizations from Meta-Analysis of Brand Advertising Elasticities,” Journal of Marketing Research, 47 (June) 457-471
27 2009 Sethuraman, Raj, “Assessing the External Validity of Analytical Results from National Brand and Store Brand Competition Models,” Marketing Science, 28 (4), 759-781
26 2008 Sethuraman, Raj, “There is Nothing More Practical than the Practice of Theory: What Practitioners Think about Theoretical Results on National Brand – Store Brand Competition,” Marketing Science Institute Special Report No. 08-209 (November)
25 2006 Sethuraman, Raj, “Private Label Marketing Strategies in Packaged Goods; Management Beliefs and Research Insights,” Marketing Science Institute Working Paper No. 06-108 (June)
24 2005 Sethuraman, Raj and A. Parasuraman, “Succeeding in the Big Middle Through Technology,” Journal of Retailing, 81(2), 107-111
23 2005 Fox, Edward J. and Raj Sethuraman, “Retail Competition,” invited book chapter in Retailing in the 21st Century, Springer, Heidelberg: Germany, pp. 193-210
22 2005 Sethuraman, Raj, Roger Kerin, and William Cron, “A Field Study Comparing Online and Offline Data Collection Methods for Identifying Product Attribute Preferences Using Conjoint Analysis,” Journal of Business Research, 58 (May), 602-610.
21 2004 Sethuraman, Raj, “Positioning Store Brands against National Brands: Get Close or Keep a Distance?” SMU-Cox School of Business Working Paper
20 2003 Sethuraman, Raj, “Measuring National Brands’ Equity over Store Brands,” Review of Marketing Science, 1 (2), 1-26
19 2002 Sethuraman, Raj and Gerard Tellis, “Does Manufacturer Advertising Suppress or Stimulate Retail Price Promotion? Analytical Model and Empirical Analysis,” Journal of Retailing, 78 (4), 253-263
18 2002 Sethuraman, Raj, V. Srinivasan, and Doyle Kim, Sethuraman, Raj and V. Srinivasan, “The Asymmetric Share Effect: An Empirical Generalization on Cross-Price Effects,” Journal of Marketing Research, 39 (August), 379-386
17 2000 Sethuraman, Raj, “What Makes Consumers Pay More for National Brands than for Store brands: Image or Quality?” Marketing Science Institute Working Paper No. 00-110 (November)
16 1999 Sethuraman, Raj, V. Srinivasan, and Doyle Kim, “Asymmetric and Neighborhood Cross-Price Effects: Some Empirical Generalizations,” Marketing Science, 18 (1), 23-41
15 1999 Sethuraman, Raj and Catherine Cole, "Factors Influencing the Price Premiums that Consumers Pay for National Brands over Store Brands?” Journal of Product and Brand Management, 8 (4), 340-351
14 1999 Kerin, Roger and Raj Sethuraman, “Revisiting Marketing’s Lawlike Generalizations: A Comment,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27 (Winter), 101-104
13 1998 Kerin, Roger and Raj Sethuraman, “Exploring the Brand Value – Shareholder Value Nexus for Consumer Goods Companies,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 26 (Fall), 260-273
12 1997 Sethuraman, Raj and Catherine Cole, "Why Do Consumers Pay More for National Brands over Store Brands? Marketing Science Institute Working Paper No. 97-127 (December)
11 1996 Sethuraman, Raj, "A Model of How Discounting High-Priced Brands Affects the Sales of Low-Priced Brands," Journal of Marketing Research, 33 (November), 399-409
10 1995 Sethuraman, Raj, “A Meta-Analysis of National Brand and Store Brand Cross-Promotional Price Elasticities,” Marketing Letters, 6 (4), 275-286
9 1995 Raju, Jagmohan, Raj Sethuraman, and Sanjay Dhar, "The Introduction and Performance of Store Brands," Management Science, 41 (June), 957-978
8 1995 Raju, Jagmohan, Raj Sethuraman, and Sanjay Dhar, "National Brand – Store Brand Price Differential and Store Brand Market Share," Pricing Strategy & Practice: An International Journal, 3 (2), 17-24
7 1995 Sethuraman, Raj, "National Brand and Store Brand Price Competition: Who Hurts Whom?" Marketing Science Institute Technical Working Paper No. 95-105
6 1994 Sethuraman, Raj, Cathy Cole and Dipak Jain, "Analyzing the Effect of Information Format and Task on Cutoff Search Strategies," Journal of Consumer Psychology, 3 (2), 103-136.
5 1992 Sethuraman, Raj and John Mittelstaedt, "Coupons and Private Labels: A Cross-Category Analysis of Grocery Products," Psychology & Marketing, 9 (6), 487-500
4 1992 Sethuraman, Raj, "The Effect of Marketplace Factors on Private Label Penetration in Grocery Products," Marketing Science Institute Working Paper No. 92-128.
3 1991 Sethuraman, Raj and Gerard J. Tellis, "An Analysis of the Tradeoff Between Advertising and Price Discounting," Journal of Marketing Research, 28 (May), 160-174
2 1991 Sethuraman, Raj, “Analysis of National Brand – Store Brand Competition,” Working Paper, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
1 1988 Sethuraman, Raj, James C. Anderson, and James A. Narus, "Partnership Advantage and its Determinants in a Distributor and Manufacturer Working Relationships," Journal of Business Research, 17 (4), 327-347

Research in Progress

# Research Title
1 Introducing Palate as a Driver of Consumer Choice and Recommending Marketing Strategies Conducive To Palate-Driven Choice
2 Product Price Level and Retail Price Promotions: An Empirics-First Analysis of Promotional Effect and Implications for Theory and Practice
3 100 Years of the Journal of Retailing: A Retrospective Outlook
4 The Many Faces of Private Labels: A Taxonomy of Private Label Strategies
5 Is there a Law of Numbers when it comes to Consumer Choice? An Experimental Analysis
6 The Effect of Product Assortment on Brand Choice in Retailing: An Analysis of Store and Panel Data
7 Crowning the Queen or King of Citation in Marketing!
8 A Review of Meta-Analysis in Marketing and A Meta-analysis of the Impact of Digital Advertising
9 Inferring Attribute Dynamics from Brand Sales Data
10 Positioning Store Brands against National Brands: Get Close or Keep a Distance?
11 The Effect of Consumer Brand Equity on Firm Brand Profitability